Thursday, February 21, 2008


As a practice, every year on the eve of Chinese New year, my mother will cook alot of delicious food for the reunion dinner and lunch for the whole family, including all my uncles and aunts. This procewss will start from the day before the eve. My uncles and aunts will come when they think that my mum had finished cooking and ready to eat. For me, I think that Chinese New Year is the worst day of the year for my mum! On the actual day of Chinese New Year, my family and I will wake up early in the morning, have our breakfast and will go to my grandma's house and visit her as a traditon. After that, my family will be on the way to Malaysia to visit my other grandparent. The journey to Malaysia is long, so on the way, we will have some snacks to munch while travelling. Every year, my family and I will need to go to Malaysia during Chinese New Year and juct stay at my grandparent's house together with my cousins doing nothing but visit. But this year it was different. At Malaysia, we actually went to a funfair at night! The rides were exciting and a little scary too. We also went ot a Singh temple which is still building but i heard that it will be the biggest Singh temple in the SouthaEast! The environment there was wonderful and the cold breeze there was so refreshing. Good things always come to an end and the Chinese New Year is over. I will be looking forward to the next Chinese New year.

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