Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Korean New Year is the same date with Chinese New Year but we have three holidays. At that time, we should go to our grandparents' houses and meet our relatives. On the first day of the Korean New Year, adults prepare food for the sacrifice to our ancestors. We put many fruits, cereals and meats on the table for the sacrifice. And we bowed to our dead ancestors and eat rice cake soup to became older than last year. We Koreans believe that we will become one year older than last year when we eat the rice cake soup in the Korean Chinese New Year. After we finish having sacrifice and we perform a New Year's bow to our grandparents. Then they give handsel to us. We also play some games with our relatives, example we play yut game, 4 wooden sticks and we throw it. The sticks have crosses on one side and nothing on the other side. If you are lucky, you might just get the good lot- a stick with nothing on a side and three other sticks which had crosses on it. We have a map, and depends on the sticks, the toys on the map can move. When your toy reaches the finishing line, you will win the game. We also fly kites, and wrestle for the men and boys. We too, have a game similar to shooting hoops though, but it is throwing, which is aiming a arrow and throw it into the basket. Most of the adults played the card game. If one of the adults win the card game, the rest playing the card game who lost, shall pay money to the winner. The game is usually played at night. We have a good time with our whole families during the Korean New Year.

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