Thursday, February 21, 2008


Experiences of celebrating Hari Raya.

My family is a little bit different from other families. We do not decorate our houses and celebrate hari raya 'lightly'. We treat it as a small affair. It was not like this before, but now my family has changed ways. We still go visiting but to lesser houses. We only go to about ten houses. On the first day, we usually go to my grandparents' house first. They are nowmy mother's parents. Because my mother only had 2 other sisters, I get to see my cousins and aunties early in the morning. Then, I would go to my father's oldest sister's house because my father's parents have passed away. Usually, we would go to their house in the afternoon. After that, we would go home and rest after a long day. The one thing I enjoy most about visiting these 2 houses is that I get to enjoy alot of great food. When we go home, we usually bring home some food of what my grandmother and my aunt had made. During Hari Raya, i usually wear formal clothing. As much as I would like to wear casually, I was not allowed. It will be considered rude. Still, I cant wait for the next Hari Raya.

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