Thursday, February 21, 2008

Differences of different festivals.( Groupwork together)

Differences of celebrating different festivals.
Hari Raya:
  • I get money instead of presents while Jess gets presents for Christmas.
  • I have to go to visit my relatives while Jess usually stay at home ans does not do anything as well as visiting.


During Christmas, my family usually go somewhere to celebrate the festival. We buy presents for each other and have dinner at a restaurant. We usually have a good time in Christmas. At that time, I usually spend time with my family, not with my friends. But in case of Jess, he does not spend time with his family in Christmas. His sisters spend their time with their boyfriends and Jess also spends time with his best friend, Leslie. we can see that the relationship between Jess and his family is not close enough. Especially his father and Jess is not every close but in my case, my brother and father is very close. The similarity is that we all spend our time decorating the Christmas tree.

During Easter, we do not do any special activity as Easter is not a big festival in Asia. If my father is busy, then we just stay at home or I'll go out with my friends. Jess also spends time with his friend usual, and goes to church to celebrate Easter. In western countries, Easter is quite important as most of them are Christians. At that time, they usually spend their whole day in church. We do not have any holidays for Easter.
Chinese New year:
During Chinese new year, we would usually go visit our relatives with Mandarin oranges and in exchange, the married adults and elders will give us red packets. we also have steamboat on the eve of Chinese New year which is also known as reunion dinner. For decorations of the house, we would put up 'chunlian', words that meant prosperity and good health for the year. Some of us, in different customs, would stay up late till the next morning as we believed that the longer we stay up late, it will increase our parents' longevity. Chinese new year is also the time when we could play with firecrackers. It had been such a pity, as the Singapore government had banned it. But, we can also see firecrackers most commonly in China.

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